Use the citation searcher to find specific resources by author or in certain publications. In addition, you may also add other criteria to your search. This feature is useful if you already know that you are interested in certain materials or if you already have a citation and you want to search for the item in the Atla database.
First, select the citation searcher from the top menu, under More.
Next, enter the information that you know, based upon the citation. You must use at least one field and may use all if needed. Once you have entered this information, select the search button. Note the additional ways that you can search in the publication, author, and title fields.
Once you have selected search, the items that match will appear. Select one of the records to view more details and revel more options.
You can now select the one(s) that you want and save, view online (when possible), retrieve additional citations, and more, once you click on the record.
You can utilize the citation tool to create citations in other formats if needed. This is one way to convert citations, but you will want to make sure it correctly converts.