BIBNT 500: Introduction to the New Testament: Home
This guide is meant to help students in Dr. Yeo's class with their exegesis assignment. The guide contains a general tab as well as tabs for each pericope.
When searching for exegetical resources, these databases are great places to look. They contain full-text access to ebooks and journals.
Atla Religion Database with SerialsThis database is a great place to search for articles and allows you to search by specific pericopes. See the Atla Research Guide for tips and tools for using this resource.
Ministry MattersThis resource contains various Bible commentaries and resources that are helpful with exegetical work. Check out the Research and Legacy Libraries.
New Testament AbstractsNew Testament Abstracts provides indexing and abstracts of articles, reviews, and software. In additional almost 19,000 book summaries are included in this database. The areas of study encompassed by this resource include New Testament , Gospels-Acts, Epistles-Revelation, Biblical Theology and the World of the New Testament.