Advent is the beginning of the church year, and it is a season full of meaning. This guide seeks to help anyone who will be preparing for and participating in the Advent season by providing, in an inviting and well-organized way, a variety of different kinds of Advent resources. In general, the reference resources will be most useful for learning the history of Advent: how its meaning has changed and how practices have changed along with the meaning. For writing sermons and/or preparing liturgies, the websites page may be most useful. Throughout the guide are resources for helping persons deepen their experience of Advent. Although but a small sample of what the library has in its collection, journal articles and books are listed, as well as musical recordings, which are available both on CD and electronically. Call numbers are given for print resources and music CDs, and links are provided for the electronic resources. Most of the electronic resources require a NetID and password to access.
This guide only highlights a few of the many Advent/Christmas resources that are available. Use these links to explore additional Advent/Christmas resources that are available through the library.