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Advent: Websites

A topical resource guide for Advent and Christmas with various resources for personal and professional use, including devotional, musical, worship, and teaching suggestions


This page contains links to promising websites with free Advent and Christmas resources. These may be particularly helpful for preaching, worship, and teaching preparation.

Recommended Websites

For many ideas on how to prepare for the season of Advent itself, please see the links provided below. They will be useful for those needing to prepare for church services during Advent, as well as for anyone wishing to involve themselves more in the Advent season.

Anglicans Online

  • This resource contains calendars, general worship materials, devotional items, and so much more.

General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church                                                                                                                              

ResourceUMC: Advent

  • This resource from the United Methodist Church contains a lot of resources for/about Advent.

Revised Common Lectionary Advent Year A

  • In addition to the Sunday readings, the website provides links to Art and Prayer.

The Text This Week

The United Methodist Church                                                                                                                                                                           

  • This site specifically highlights Advent and Christmas resources, including worship/devotional materials, multi-media elements, and FAQs.
  • "What is the history of Advent?"

Ministry Matters

Ministry Matters is a great resource for free preaching, teaching, and worship resources.

The links below may be of interest as you prepare your Advent services and sermons. For this reason, we have included it with other freely available Advent websites.

Ministry Matters also has Research and Legacy Libraries that contain additional resources; however, these are only accessible with your NetID.