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Conducting Biblical Exegesis: Commentaries

This guide is meant to serve as a helpful resource as you navigate and complete your exegesis assignments. The guide contains helpful resources and tools for this exegetical work.

About This Page

This page contains promising commentaries, grouped into General, Hebrew Scripture, New Testament, and Online categories. Biblical commentaries are great places to gain perspective on how Bible verses and passages can be interpreted/understood. They are sometimes very general/broad and sometimes very specific about a book of the Bible or a topic/subject from the Bible. They sometimes even focus on a particular genre.

"Although varied in form, content, and style, a commentary is a book that discusses the biblical text chapter by chapter and verse by verse, lifting up noteworthy phrases and words for clarification or comment." from The Handbook of Biblical Criticism

This is only a sampling of the many possibilities though. Click the links and follow the tips at the bottom of the columns to discover even more!

Online Commentaries

These online commentaries are available online through Ministry Matters and the Internet Archive. For more information about accessing these ebooks, see these guides.

Ministry Matters Guide

Hebrew Scripture Commentaries

New Testament Commentaries


For more possibilities, try searching for the name of the book (e.g., James) and "commentary."