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Using Ministry Matters: Legacy Library

This guide is meant to be a helpful resource for navigating Ministry Matters and its libraries.


This page contains information about the Legacy Library. Information about how to access and use it as well as what it contains are detailed below.

Legacy Library Contents

The Legacy Library contains valuable resources that are not found in the Research Library. Here are the topical headings.

Tools & Options

You can search the Legacy Library by expanding the search option on the left. This will give you the option to search the current title or the entire library.


You can also utilize a bin in the Legacy Library. You will need to log in or create a free account to do this. Once you have logged in and opened an item, you can select the "Add to Bin" option at the top of the view window.


*Your Ministry Matters account will not integrate with your library account. You will only have access through Ministry Matters and will need to log in to view.

How to Use

To access the Legacy Library, first select the Research Library tab at the top of the homepage. One the page loads, select the Legacy Library link.


Once the Legacy Library loads, select the Browse tab. Resources are organized into various subjects. To view their contents, click the plus signs or titles.

To view an item, click on its title. It will then open in a new viewing window. To navigate within the resource, you will have to use the Table of Contents on the right. Click on the folder icons to expand their contents.Click on section/chapter titles to open those sections.


To see how to search within an item or how to add an item to a bin, see the Tools & Options box on the left of this page. 

To print items, right click within the viewing window. You can then print physical copies or save them as PDFs.