The rare Bible display features a facsimile of the Gutenberg Bible in Latin (Vulgate) published in 1961 by Pageant Books (New York). In honor of Earth Month and the Center for Ecological Regeneration, the first volume of this two-volume folio set is open to the text of Genesis 1, which includes colorful marginal illustrations depicting the six days of creation. All are welcome to stop in and view the typographical and illustrative details of this work well as consider the interpretation of the Genesis text with respect to the care and protection of God’s creation. This Bible will be on display from April to June 2023.
*Click on the image to open a larger version.
“This facsimile edition of the Gutenberg Bible has been published in the year 1961 by Pageant Books...This is the first Gutenberg facsimile ever printed in the United States and only the second in the world. The reproduction derives from the Insel Verlag edition which was based on the copy in the Koniglichen Bibliothek in Berlin and the copy in the Standischen Landesbibliothek in Fulda, considered by authorities to be the most beautifully illuminated of the...copies known to exist. The text pages have been printed by lithography and the illuminated pages by sheet-fed gravure. The paper used is 100 per cent rag content made especially for this book. The edition has been hand bound in two volumes and is limited to 1000 numbered sets....” -- From the Colophon
"As of 2009, 49 Gutenberg Bibles are known to exist, but of these only 21 are complete. Others have pages or even whole volumes missing. In addition, there are a substantial number of fragments, some as small as individual leaves, which are likely to represent about another 16 copies."