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Using USearch: Personalizing Results

This guide contains information about how to use USearch and its many research tools. USearch is much more than just an online library catalog. Learn more about the power of this discovery system with this guide.

How to Personalize Results

You can now personalize your results, based upon your disciplines of interest and the newest items. Personalization works best for online articles. The personalization feature allows you to reorganize your search results based upon your preferred disciplines. You can reset your personalization preferences and/or turn this feature on and off at any time. To enable this feature, follow these steps.

1. Navigate to the Styberg Library homepage: Initiate a search using the single search bar. Select Online Articles from the drop-down menu. Enter your search terms and press the Search button.

2. Once your search results load, sign in to your account. While you can personalize your results without signing in to your account, you can save your personalization preferences this way.

3. When you have successfully signed in to your account, your name should appear in the top right corner. Now, toggle the personalize button at the top of your search results. This will turn on the personalization feature and allow you to select up to five disciplines.

4. Next, a menu with discipline options will appear. Select up to five disciplines of interest. When you have finished selecting your disciplines, select “Personalize It!”.

5. If you would also like to see the newest results first, simply select the “Prefer newer material” box within the facets menu to the left of your search results. This will then reorganize your search results by your preferred discipline AND display the newest results first.

6. If you want to edit your preferred disciplines, you can do this easily by toggling the personalization button and selecting the edit discipline option in the facets menu to the left. You will then be taken to the same discipline selection menu that you initially used to select your preferred disciplines.

7. From this menu, you can select different disciplines. Once you have done so, you can click on the Save Changes button in the bottom right. You can also completely reset your personalization settings by selecting the Reset Personalization button in the bottom left.

8. You will know if your results have been personalized by checking the area above your search results. If you have turned on personalization, the button will appear maroon and say “Personalized!”. It will be gray if it is not being used.

Since you signed in to your account to personalize your results, your preferred disciplines will be associated with your account, and you can use them anytime you search by first signing in to your account and toggling the Personalize button at the top of your search results.

While this feature is primarily useful for online resources, particularly articles, you may find that it is helpful with your other library searches as well. You can use it for any search with online resource results.

Finally, please note, the personalization feature simply reorganizes your search results to display more relevant (and possibly newer) materials at the top. You will always retrieve the same amount of results.