Do you find yourself frequently searching for a particular subject or author? A great way to stay organized and up to date with the latest additions is to save your search and set up an email alert. An email will be sent to you anytime new items that meet your search query are added.
1. Sign in to USearch. (See the “Logging into My Account” tab for more information.)
2. Search for an item.
3. Select 'Save query' above the search results.
4. A banner notification will appear. Click the 'bell' icon.
5. A pop-up will appear. Enter your email, and press save.
1. Go to My Account.
2. Click the 'bell' icon next to a saved search to set up a notification.
3. Periodic notifications will be sent to the email address that you provided. Anytime an item is added that meets your original search query, you will receive these emails.