The advanced search option may be helpful if you want to focus your search based upon several criteria. By using the advanced search features, you can eliminate potentially unuseful results and retrieve more relevant resources.
At the top of the advanced search bar, you can select which library or item type you want. To select a different search scope, click the empty circle to the left of the options. Please note, you can only select one at a time.
Next, in the search filters area, you can use the drop-down menus to select specific fields to search (e.g., title, author, publisher, etc.) and select how you want those to be search (separately, as a phrase, or the beginning). You can use the AND, OR, or NOT options to build a Boolean search. Feel free to add as many lines as you think are necessary by selecting the “+ Add a New Line” link at the bottom. The more criteria you add, the more focused and fewer results you will retrieve. If you desire, you can completely clear your search by selecting the “Clear” option.
Finally, review the options to the right to select a material type (e.g., article, book, dissertation, etc.), language, and publication date/range. Once you have finished adding all the relevant options, press Enter to initiate your advanced search or click on the Search button in the bottom right.
Your search results will then appear. You can use the facets to the left of your results to further refine these results. You can also scroll to the top of the page to edit your search by adding another line or directly changing your existing criteria. You can also completely clear your results and start over if needed.